

yeah it was fun spending time with awesome friends,that you just love intan's party was simple and nice with just great girlfriends :') we  had fun,this party had definitely made my day! :) the food was literally superb untie mak intan!hha what can get any better than great friends and good food? hha it was definetly a fun day! highlight of the day is >

-dah siap with my baju and all,kima promise to lend me her blue selendang due to the tema of the party that was white and blue :) so right after school pergi rumah kima for the selendang  guees what? dia TIDO -.- buat peta dunia dalam bilik so takde lah dengar~i went home dgn perasaan hampa :'( cehh tak de lah hampa sangat.then kima called,suruh dtg rumah untuk pkai tudung and eye liner -.- TEE-HEE kome tak pndai pkai makeup what so ever -.-
-finally i endup wearing a plain white blouse with a black belt with a tudung indon hha and went to kima's house :) wait for the picturesss kayyyy dear readers :D kima pkaikan hijab in less that 1 min coz her mom is already waiting in the car.
-off to umi's house pick up umi and yoessss,hha ZOOOM!ZAAAMMM!ZOOOM! tiba lah rumah intan's :)
-with my makeup yang tak siap,dengan pakai selipar while my wedgess kat lgi sebelah tangan HAHA so not ready -.- hehe typical me kan -.- ZOOOMM terus pergi bilik intan and all,
-ye i jadi bahan experiment ye hari ni tau lahhh tak reti pkai all that makeup semua so semua team up buat kan! HAHA that was so nice for you guys to do that :') 
-then it was makan time,cabutan bertuah and alll and just TALK TALK LAUGH LAUGH and of course TAKING UGLY PICTURESSSSS! HAHA 
-time balik is the best :') naik kereta kancil merah with yoesss and untie mak umi in front and us (me,kima,umi,fatin) at the back! we we're like  having out very own party at the back of the car! HAHA we we're so loud and it was good fun! :) at least hilang stress sedikit sebanyak coz i was kinda moody mula-mula tak dpat hantar mama ayah :'(  but it was a memorable memory with love one'sss

*untuk makluman semua this is the first day i had really wear a full eye makeup in public,hha! makeup mata je tuu pun org pakai kan :) ,lipstick semua campak mana kan? errrrr in the future i will :p SO LET US JUST EXPLORE NEW THINGS IN LIFE SHALL WE ? yeayyyy me!

wait up for the picture kayyyy :* eh pahal tiba-tiba terasa nak activate facebook balik?wanna check the party pictures :'(

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